I have a requirement to create a fixed length file following the layout below and I am unable to get the KF (LFE-AMOUNT) correct. The Open Hub destination takes on the length of the object which in this case for key figure (0AMOUNT) is 17 (15 w/ 2 decimal). That said, even if I do a sub-string of it on the TRFN to the Open Hub, I will still have an output length of 17. I tried creating a new object but it kept dropping the decimal. Is there an easy way to do this in the TRFN via an ABAP routine? Again, I just need the KF 10 characters padded with 0 on left side.
05 LFE-CUST-ID PIC X(13). (13 Chars)
05 LFE-AMOUNT PIC 9(08)V99. (10 Chars)
05 LFE-EFF-DATE PIC X(06). (6 Chars)
05 LFE-RETURN-CODE PIC X(03). (3 Chars)
040L00113684 0000003333042914R01
Comes out as:
040L00113684 33.33- 060514R01